
Celery (Organic) - ea



Celery is used as a basic aromatic vegetable in many cuisines. Mirepoix (French) and Soffritto (Italian) are a mix of carrots, onions and celery and are added at the beginning of many soups, braises and stews. The "Holy Trinity" of Cajun and Creole cooking is a similar combination of onions, celery and bell peppers. But don't overlook celery as the main ingredient. It is delicious simply braised in stock and served as a side dish to a roast, stuffed with cheese or peanut butter as a cold appetizer, or diced with apples and walnuts in a Waldorf Salad. Of course it is also a great addition to a platter of raw vegetables and is the classic garnish for a Bloody Mary (which can be made with our fresh Horseradish!)

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